Donald Jeannotte Anglehart


Donald is a member of Gespeg, born in Montréal. His diverse academic background includes university studies in law and communications, and he has a Diplôme de 2e cycle de formation interculturelle de l’université de Sherbrooke. Recently, he completed Indigenous Innovative Leadership training with l’École des dirigeants des Premières Nations (EDPN)-HEC Montréal.

Donald began making his mark in the Indigenous community in the early 1990s, working in a variety of positions, including as a project officer for the Ajigun Resource Centre in Montréal. He became a councilor for Gespeg in 2000.

Donald has occupied a lot of positions at the MMS starting as the Research Coordinator in 2002. He later started the Information and Consultation Unit in 2004. In 2016, he took the lead in the Communications Unit as the Citizen and Engagement Officer and later, he became the Director of the Ango’tmeq Nm’tginen. Donald is currently the Communications Strategist at the MMS. Donald is one of the authors of Nta’tugwaqnminen, Our Story.

In 2015, Donald was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Business Corporation (MMBC) and he has been acting as the Chair since 2020. He also sits on several boards, including that of Le muse de la Gaspésie.

You can always count on Donald to be wearing a stylish hat, which complements his zest for life. He brings integrity, creativity, a keen, analytical eye, energy, and openness to everything he does. He describes himself as being passionate, curious, and eager to learn!

Donald loves cooking, being in the outdoors, camping, and training dogs and horses. He went to Africa in 2022 and plans to go back soon to continue exploring African traditional cultures and visit his friends.